Friday, February 3, 2017


I. Your Spouse Is Also Your Roommate

"What...happened to the floor in here?"
"I took all of the clothes out of your dresser."
"I see that."
"So you can sort which things you want to be in the dresser and which things you want to go in a bin down in the basement, and they won't just be lying around in laundry baskets all over the floor."
"Yeah, they're definitely not in baskets anymore."
"Hey, I'll carry them down. Just tell me which ones you want to keep and which ones you want put away."
"Not tonight, I think. You were busy while I was gone."
"Yeah, I put your lamp in the pantry too since it was just sitting out in the living room."
"I see. Any of my stuff that you didn't move somewhere else?"
"You left a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink, I didn't move any of those."

II. Sick Kid(s?)

James was sick this week. He had an exact copy of whatever bug I had in December. J was taking them to the Strong Museum and he threw up in the car (but in a bag, and not all over the car, for which I am very proud of him) as soon as they pulled in the parking lot. Owen was not pleased that they came within sight of the Neighs (the horses on the Carousel) and then turned right around and headed home. He had a rough day and rough night after that. His stomach was certainly, CERTAINLY empty after that night. I'm not sure he ever really fell all the way asleep, so I got him up with me at 6 and we sat on the couch together, me sipping coffee and reading, and him just huddled under a blanket shivering, and looking into space. I was torn between wanting to hold his head in my lap and hug him and wanting to make sure that there was definitely enough space between us that I couldn't possibly get contaminated with what he had.
His day yesterday was slow and mellow, and he went to bed early, but he ate two meals and looked better as the day went on. Owen, I'm pretty sure, threw up in his mouth and swallowed it again at one point. I waited all day for the other shoe to drop with him, and it never did. Maybe we dodged a bullet. Or maybe his will hit on Sunday afternoon when they're at my concert. Probably that.

III. En Francais

L'ete prochain, nous irons en France. Pas l'ete prochain, mais l'ete apres celui-ci. Par consequent, je pratique mon francais tous les jours. Je remercie tous mes lecteurs de tolerer cet exercice de composition. Owen pense que le pratique francaise semble drole et imite ce qu'il entend. James est fascine par le panneaux routiers francais dans mon livre et les a copies avec des crayons et les a accroches dans notre maison.


  1. I'm jealous! I took French for five years and would love to visit someday! :-)

  2. A messy spouse and a sick kid. both are too much difficult to manage and deal with. it drains you out literary.. wish best of luck to all who are dealing with it right now.
