Saturday, February 11, 2023

Quotable Kids

 James: "I'm thinking about a career in science. I might be an engineer. Or I might do something where I'm working with chemicals and using some chemistry."

Owen: "I think when I grow up I'll just play video games. Or, even better, I'll be a taste-tester! But I'll only try stuff that tastes good."

Me, wanting to know why the bracket to a heavy curtain rod was badly bent: "Boys, what happened here? Did someone hang on the curtain, or try to climb it or something? Is that why the fabric is pulling apart at the top? Was someone swinging on this?"

James: "I would never do that! But...Felix is my number one suck-spect."

Me: "Suck-spect?"

Owen: "Yeah, I bet he did it. He's my number one suck-spect as well."

Me: "Your number one suspect?"

James: "Exactly."

Owen, upon hearing the story of King Solomon and the baby.

"Wow, he WAS smart. I probably would have just done eeny-meenie-miney-moe."

Owen: "Did you know that yellow is my favorite color?"

Me: "I didn't know that. Since when has yellow been your favorite."

Owen: "It's because it has two of my favorite words. Yellow is 'YELL!!' plus 'OW!!'"

Felix: "Daddy, read this book I wrote!"

Me: "Felix, this is great! Look at all these words you spelled, and you drew pictures as well!"

Felix: "Yes, read it!"

Me: "So, let's see. FROGGY GOES TO SCHOOL. I see Froggy goes to school...and Froggy is learning. Oh, Froggy is learning is ABCs. <notes that Felix wrote the alphabet but left out the letter I.> And on this page...someone is a tattle-tale. And on this page...Froggy kicks?"

Felix: "Yeah, and I drew a picture of Froggy kicking him. 'Cause he is a tattle-tale."

Me: "And that's the end of the story?"

Felix: "Right."

Me: "So the story ends with Froggy beating up a snitch?"

Felix, as if explaining something very obvious: "Well, it's a dramatic story."