Adult: So in this picture that you drew, I see you have a smiley face. Are you happy in this picture?
James: Yes.
Adult: And can you draw a picture of what you would look like if you were sad?
James: Yes. I want a purple crayon.
Adult: Here you go. Oops! The paper came off of that crayon.
James: Now the crayon is naked!
Adult: Haha, you're right. How do you think that makes the crayon feel?
James: <rollings eyes> It doesn't have any feelings, because it's a crayon. It doesn't even have eyes.
Owen is sick. Owen is always sick, according to Owen.
It's become his go-to defense mechanism whenever anything doesn't go his way. If you tell him that he needs to find his shoes and coat, he'll flop down on the floor and pathetically declare "Ah'm sick!" Somewhere along the way, someone must have dropped what they were doing and showered him with love and attention when he said that truthfully. But now, about once an hour, he's sick. He's sick when James doesn't want to play with him anymore, when he can't find his toy car, when he has to eat toast and jam instead of cereal, when he has to get the jam wiped off of his face after he's recovered, when he gets his arm stuck in the neck of his shirt, when he can't find his sippy cup, when he can't find his favorite book (Hint: He can't find his favorite book because we've started hiding it behind the bookshelf), when he finds his favorite book but can't find someone to read it to him, when I won't let him play with shallots, or with knives, or with the toaster, or with the stove, and also anytime he might feel the least bit chilly, which is OFTEN, because it's January in Rochester and Owen doesn't like to wear pants.
So Owen is sick a lot. But don't worry, it apparently isn't contagious.
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Interesting. though i didn't had any idea about why it is written but i liked reading it a good time pass. thanks for sharing with us.