Saturday, April 21, 2018

Update on the Boys

The child is OBSESSED with Mario Kart. O&K returned our long-lost copy recently, and we popped it into the Wii to show him how you race cars with funny characters. James latched (as he is wont to do) pretty much immediately, and he's since memorized the names of all the characters, the tracks, the types of shells, and pretty much any other information that came in the little game booklet. He builds astonishingly detailed LEGO replications of the tracks, asks several hundred times a day whether or not we can play that evening, and wanders around mindlessly humming the theme music.

Upon J's coming down the stairs in a little black dress for a cocktail event: "Mommy, you look nice, but I wish that you would wear a sparkly gold and silver dress that was all shiny." He also told one of the babysitters that she'd look good in a red shirt with black pants.

James broke our beautiful and super-expensive heirloom clock by standing underneath it and repeatedly bumping up against the wall. It fell eight feet to the ground and shattered glass everywhere. His reaction when he realized I was going to tell J about it: "Remind her that people are more important than things."

Owen can have Nutella now. He saw the "peanut doctor" last Friday for a hazelnut challenge, and after successfully eating four large spoonfuls of the stuff (poor kid) did NOT have an allergic reaction. Also, Nutella is now the only thing he wants to eat for lunch. And James too, since we didn't keep it in the house very often back when Owen wasn't allowed to have it.

Owen is all about the "Jesus songs." J found some sort of Getty collection on Spotify and Owen absolutely disappears into a trance when you put it on. The child who never sits still will be statuesque while he listens to the album in 40-minute chunks, and he can sing most of it back to you on command.

It's Sunday morning at my church. The whole congregation is seated expectantly as they wait for the organ prelude to start. Just as the first notes begin Owen breaks loose from back in the choir area and runs up to the very front of the church calling for the senior pastor. When he reaches her, delivers his very important announcement: They have a new LEGO table. She asks if she can come and play with it sometime. (After the service) He says no, because she lives at church.

They all really need to get outside, but Owen needs it the worst. We got back from a run on a "warm" day last week, and he was practically blue while he begged to stay out and play some more.

While Owen was at the peanut doctor Felix taught himself how to army crawl. (Ish) He's been rolling to wherever he needs to go for the past month at least, and it's about time he had a forward gear. Too bad it was on a disgusting hospital floor, but he really just needed an enclosed space and nothing else to do to work it out.

He squeals whenever you hand him his little Curious George doll. It's definitely his favorite toy.

He takes his socks off and sucks on them all the time.