Monday, February 19, 2018

Safety Training

Today Owen sat in on James' school so that both of them could work on a Safety unit we're going to do this week. But before we talked about fire, strangers, and bike safety, we just did a basic review of names, addresses, etc.

Me: Okay, James. What's your full name?
James: James
Me: And your middle name?
James: Davis
Me: And what's your last name?
James: <pauses> Bear?
Me: No...not exactly.
James: Smith?
Me: Yes. So your full name is James Davis Smith. Owen, what's your name?
Owen: I don't know.
Me: What do we call you?
Owen: <grinning> Owen
Me: And what's your middle name?
Owen: Smith.
Me: That's your last name. What's your middle name?
Owen: I don't know.
Me: What do we call you when you're in trouble?
Owen: Oh! NICHOLAS!!!
Me: So your name is Owen Nicholas Smith.
Owen: <looks as if he's getting in trouble.>
Me: And where do we live?
James: November!
Owen: Pennsylvania!
Me: No, what's our address?
James: America!
Owen: New York City!
Me: This could take awhile...

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Football Plans

I. During the Super Bowl
James: Hey Mommy and Daddy! I just did a good thing!
Me: Oh? What was it?
James: Well, when I just sitting on the potty, I said a prayer to God!
<brief pause>
Julie: That IS good! What did you say?
James: I prayed that the Eagles would win and that the Patriots would lose!
Me: ....well, I think--
James: And I prayed that the Patriots would stop being cheaters!

II. During Dinner
James: I've changed my mind about what I'm going to be when I grow up.
Me: Not a scientist?
James: I'm going to be a football player.
Owen: I'm going to be a football player too!
James: Yeah, I don't know which team I'll play for. Probably the Minnesota Vikings or something.
Owen: I like the New England Patriots!
Me: Owen, did you mean to say "I don't like the New England Patriots?"
Owen: I LIKE the New England Patriots!
Me: <stern look>
Owen: I'm going to play for the Patriots when I get bigger.
Me: See that snowbank out there?
Owen: Where? Yup!
Me: That's where New England Patriots fans sleep.
Owen: No, they sleep wherever they want to!
James: But Owen, the New England Patriots are cheaters!
Owen: <happily> Yes! And I LIKE cheating!