Parking Lot
"Now boys, there are lots of puddles this morning. I don't have enough hands to carry you inside, so I need you to remember that you're wearing shoes and not boots right now. That means you can't step in the puddles. Do we understand?"
"No step in the puddles."
"Okay, here you go. Now go straight to--"
"I step in da puddle!!"
Choir Room
"I'm going to draw the planets on the white board!"
"I need to draw too!"
"I'm drawing Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto!"
"Me too. I draw Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Venus, Jupiter, Venus!"
"Boys, don't climb on the chairs."
"Boys, you can't have a pillow fight while the choir is rehearsing."
"Owen, stop climbing on James while I'm rehearsing."
In the Sanctuary
"Candy, candy! We want a piece of candy!"
"I need a lollipop!"
"So this is a tootsie pop. It can be kind of messy, are you sure you want it?"
"Yeah, lollipop!"
"Owen, try to not crunch your tootsie pop all over the floor."
"Owen, don't eat the pieces that fall on the floor."
"Daddy, you wipe me off?"
"Okay guys, today is a special day because there are going to be bagpipes in the sanctuary. They're kind of loud...are you guys okay to stay here and listen to them before you go down to the sanctuary."
Under the Pew
"Maybe the bagpipes are little eensy-bitty, tiny bit scary."
"I know. Are you ready to come out?"
"Not yet."
"Owen, can you let go of my leg?"
"James, you have bits of tootsie pop stuck to you."
In the Nursery
"Okay, so keep in mind that we already had lollipops...NO begging for cookies once I drop you off."
"Daddy, we each got TWO cookies!!"
Going to the Car
"Now keep in mind, boys, you have shoes on and not boots. So don't step in any more puddles. Do we understand?"
"No more puddles."
"Oops, I stepped in a puddle."
"You can't say 'oops' if you jumped into it on purpose."
"James, please stop licking my car."
At Wegmans
"James, please stop licking Owen."
"James, please don't lick the cups."
"I need to go potty!"
In the Wegmans Restroom
"Are you going to go into the stall by yourself?"
"Okay, don't put George on the floor. Let me hold him, maybe?"
"James, where are you?"
"Owen, you can't lay on the bathroom floor to look into James' stall."
"Hey, what you doin'?"
"Owen, you can't lay on the bathroom floor to look into stranger's stalls either."
"Owen, don't touch the urinal cakes. Come here, let's wash your hands."
Back in the store
"Guys, you'll each get a turn drinking from the fountain. There's no need to fight."
"Beep-beep! Beep-beep!"
"Beep-beep! Beep-beep!"
"Stop running ahead! You're bumping into people! This is a grocery aisle, not a racetrack!"
"I'm getting dizzy!"
"I'm getting dizzy, too!"
"And you're also crashing into people who are trying to do their shopping. I don't think this is the best spot for the spinning game."
"I want THIS cookie!"
"Okay, you can TELL me that, but now we have to buy it since you touched it."
"Hey, I want THIS cookie!"
"Okay, everybody back away from the cookies."
"I have to go potty again."
"You just went potty."
"I have to go poopy."
Good post, beautifully written and well explained. Thank you for sharing it with us and keep posting such posts