Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Owen Helps With Chores

I. Laundry

Dad-Collects laundry from bathroom, Owen's room, James' room (James: "What are you doing? Oh. Shut the door all the way when you leave."), sorts into lights and darks, carries down to the basement in three trips, starts laundry.

Owen-Plays with bathroom sink, eventually taking off shirt and submerging it under the running water.

Dad-Changes Owen's shirt, throws wet shirt in dirty laundry.

Owen-Rides in baskets of dirty laundry down two flights of stairs three times, explores basement in sock feet

II. Tires

Dad-Goes out to car to move all-season tires from trunk to basement

Owen-Waits at the kitchen door for Dad to come back, slams door on him just as he is about to step into the house with a tire on each arm

Dad-Goes to powder room to wash grease off of hands

Owen-Also goes to powder room. Throws a hand towel into the sink as Dad is washing his hands.

Dad-Puts hand towel in dirty laundry basket down in basement

Owen-Takes off shirt, runs water all over it in powder room sink

Dad-Locks powder room door, changes Owen's shirt, puts shirt in dirty laundry

III. Trash and recycling

Dad-Takes recycling bin out to curb

Owen-Slams kitchen door shut just as Dad is about to walk back into the house

Dad-Collects trash bags from all over the house, including the powder room, where Owen shredded an entire roll of toilet paper the previous day

Owen-Carries tied off trash bags to the kitchen door, including the bag full of wasted toilet paper, complaining "I's 'eavyy...."

Dad-Takes waste bin out to curb

Owen-Slams door in Dad's face just as he is about to step back into the house, runs away laughing.

IV. Work Emails

Dad-Writes a long work email to a choir member about worship planning and choir recruitment.

Owen-Walks up and presses the power button to the laptop just as Dad is signing his name and getting ready to hit send.

1 comment:

  1. Pushke is a Yiddish word for a collection box for money to be donated to the poor.
