Thursday, August 18, 2016


James at work on sand castles with the three most coveted beach toys--the sand roller (which was eventually confiscated), the red shovel (also eventually confiscated) and the green bucket, which was legitimately his.

La Mer. Owen about to get soaked and sandy, starting every morning promptly at 9:00.

J and Owen playing the sandy feet game. Note J's original pair of sunglasses, which were soon after claimed by the ocean.

We don't even care what the kids are doing. This was before we both got REALLY tanned.

We managed to get James to leave his George behind for picture night, but Owen wouldn't have any of that. 

Sandy knees immediately after pictures finished. James made a spectacular unprompted jump down from the lifeguard chair.
Taken towards the end of an impromptu evening 10K

Kids with the Great-Grands--James with the Davises, Owen with the Weitzels.

A vibrant (double) rainbow once we were back in Pennsylvania. I woke James up to show him. He looked for a few seconds and then went back upstairs without a word and fell right back asleep.

"Trah-kah" ride

Illustrative of the difference between the boys:

James: "Daddy do you like a lot of spicy? You like a lot of spicy, and I don't like spicy. Mommy only likes some spicy, and if she accidentally has too much spicy she can take a drink of water. She doesn't like lots of spicy, she just likes a little spicy. I don't like a little spicy, I don't like spicy. If I accidentally have a little spicy I can take a drink of water too. Hey, can you move your sauce away from my plate? It is TOO spicy, and I don't like spicy. Owen doesn't like spicy either. I don't want that sauce, because it is TOO spicy."

<points at Country Sweet sauce>
"Do you want to try this, O?"
"Here's a little bit for your plate. Let me know if you like it."
<Dips a piece of pizza in and takes a bite.>
<Paws at tongue, turning deep red, making choking noises and reaching whole fist into mouth.>
"Here, here, take your water, you're going to throw up if you keep doing that."
<Makes retching noises, tears streaming down cheeks and nose, smacks table with hands repeatedly and then sucks violently at sippy cup.>
" don't eat any more of the..."
<Dips another piece of pizza into the sauce, pops it in his mouth and smiles.>
"Mmm, guh!"
<Grins with tears still streaming down cheeks.>

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