Friday, December 21, 2012

Three good, three bad

1) I have 70 minutes left of LCS this month, and nothing to do but wrap up my practicing for the day. I have no private students, no Hochstein, no orchestra gigs, and no more Wednesday choir rehearsals until January. Vacation is about to start, and it is most welcome. I'll sleep in, play with James, lounge around in sweatpants, and make lots of coffee. There are still a few church gigs to be played here and there, but those won't be so bad. The holidays really will be lovely this year. We have a beautiful green wreath up in the living room, and soon the whole house will smell like cinnamon bread. (It smelled like pumpkin chocolate-chip muffins when I came home yesterday.) Yum.

1) The Gaxmobile (our PT Cruiser) is smelling more and more like a lemon. We bought it two months ago from a family friend in PA, and it's already needed two major repairs. J's mishap yesterday turned out to be a timing belt problem, and it will cost at least $600 to fix. I don't exactly why this is so expensive, but it's something to do with the way the front is engineered. Apparently the engine block (correct use of that term?) is so compact that everything has to be taken out before you can tinker around with it. This didn't seem to be a problem to me when we bought it, because my automotive tinkering skills are limited to checking/adding oil. As far as I know, the rest of the car runs by magic. Or calculus. Or some form of wizarding calculus you can only learn at Hogwarts. At any rate, this means that whether we have to replace a timing belt, recharge the defibrillator, or add more gurdyroots to the cosine, it's always going to be labor-intensive and budget-breaking.

2) Tomorrow Flock of Uncles is recording "A Very Uncles Christmas." We have never actually sat down together and attempted to record the same musical number at the same time on purpose, so this will be an interesting experience. Since we need a quiet environment without distraction Hayden and James will be coming. Man-paste will be made, festive drinks will be passed around, and all musical ventures will surely be successful on their first attempts. If we can get a few tracks we like, the CD will be an excellent gift to the many relatives who we love dearly but can't afford to exchange gifts with on any regular basis. (Especially on the Dudley side, this would be like trying to get individual presents for the entire population of Portugal.)

2) J and I have five different Christmas Eve services between us, and only one functional car. The Gaxmobile, of course, will not be completed before Christmas Eve. (The bobotubers have to soak overnight before they form a parabola.) We aren't exactly sure how Christmas Eve will work. I suggested last night to J that I could drive her (and James) down to Warsaw at 3:30 and drop them off with enough time to drive back for my services at 5, 8, and 11. If I leave straight from midnight mass at 12:15, I should be able to pick her (and James) up by 1:30. Maybe we'll see Santa!

3) We have money in the bank. We have money in the bank. I admit with some embarrassment that we are not particularly good at budgeting. We usually have some money left over at the end of the month because we are both thrifty by nature, but we are very VERY bad at sitting down with the bank statement and figuring out month-by-month exactly how much is left over in each budget category. (Or, in the case of groceries, how much we're in the red.) Thank goodness we've had lots of gigs and extra work these past few months, and we've had a little left over even after buying a PT Cruiser and a plane ticket to San Francisco and repairing the PT Cruiser the first time and buying Christmas presents for everyone. I sense, when I think about it, that we have no idea how fortunate we are most of the time.

3) We have a cute advent calendar hanging in our kitchen with little chocolate pieces inside the flap for each "day." We give James the advent chocolate after dinner every night, and he has decided he LOVES advent. He reminds us of the calendar several times a day, especially when he's in his high chair. There's an extra big piece for Christmas Eve, but a storm might be brewing when we get home on Christmas Night and the advent calendar has disappeared. The current plan is to get him really REALLY tired at Smith/Smith/Smith/Dudley Christmas and have him totally sacked out by the time we get home. (This won't be hard...I usually don't make it through the 3rd Christmas either.) Then we'll leave super early in the morning on December 26th (presuming we have a working vehicle) and maybe by the time we return from Pennsylvania he'll have forgotten about chocolate.

Or maybe we'll just keep more chocolate in the house. It doesn't seem like a bad idea.

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