Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Owen at Work on his Typewriter

 Encyclopedia Brown And The Case Of The Oatmeal Creme Pies

At dinner in the Brown house Chief Brown was the one to come in stumped, but once his WIFE came in with a mystery! (Sounds mysterious huh?) 

What's up mom? Asked Encyclopedia. Oh, said his mom, only she paused for dermatic effect...A MYSTERY BEHIND A CASH REGESTER!!! (His mom was a cashier.)

Gimme the facts mom! Said Encyclopedia.

Okay, said his mom, it all started when a lady walked up to me, and started to put things on the belt thingy...she paused waiting for Encyclopedia to correct her. He did'nt.

She went on. Then she dove to the ground! When she got up she had her hand in her pocket! I asked her to turn up her pockets, but there was nothing in them! Her and Chief Brown's eyes turned to Encyclopedia. 

Was there anyone with her? he asked.

Ummmmm...said his mom, yes... no...wait yes?

Chief Brown rolled his eyes. 

Yes. said Encyclopedia's mom so suddenly that Encyclopedia Brown and Chief Brown jumped. 

She had a daughter but she was playing on the floor the daughter I mean! Ms Brown yelped!

(Encyclopedia was giving her "The Look.")

I think she got up at some point but I wasn't paying attention.

It took Encyclopedia 7 seconds to come up with the andswer.

When the lady went to the ground, her child already benn there! The child probably put the object on the belt! He said. Case closed!

Oh oops. said ms Brown. If you see her again you should appologize honey said Chief Brown.

Yeagh mom. said Encyclopedia.

Just then Sally burst in! Encyclopedia! She said. Susan Lools needs you!

Quid?! Asked Encyclopedia!

She thinks Bugs stole her lego set!

Not Bugs! Said Encyclopedia! 

I know! said Sally! I only JUST learned to throw a new boxing/karate punch!

And without another word they were off!

It was getting dark so they stooped at Salley's for flashlighets. After 5 minutes Sally pointed out the house. 

There is a even number of peaple arriving! said a 4 year old who opend the door for them. She just learned her odd and even. said Susan. as the 4 year old shouted There is an odd nunber off magic eight balls! there is a even number of Oat meal creme pies!

Where are your parents? asked Encyclopedia. 


Thats Jake said Susan, here I will got and get a picture of that Lego Set, and our parents are getting groceries. She said. 

She went upstaries and came down with a lego city set, was a picture 1,450 pices.

She said, then said I saw bugs saying something about a new Lego Set to the other tigers. Then added on the same day we lost ours.

She went back upstares to return it. as she was up there Bugs Meany came in I DID'NT DO IT!!! he yelled! anay way I don't like Lego City. he said.

You did. said Encyclopedia, And there is no use denying it and there's 2 pices of evedence. IF...he turned to the 4 year old when were you eating this?

Strangwy enough righ before the set was stolen! said the 4 year old. 

Encyclopedia said to bugs YOU STOLE IT! oh and, you got this yesterday night? the 4 year old noded.

How did he know?