I. Vacation
Whenever I worry about how our income patterns make for such a strange February (high expenses because of the biannual car insurance premium, low income because of the short month and the break week) I remember that the week at home is like a mandatory vacation. Theoretically we could be traveling somewhere for a "proper" vacation, but it's really more relaxing (albeit colder) to be snowed in at home for a week with nowhere to be and lots of wine and warm blankets. So you're welcome, everyone, for blogging on my vacation.
II. Owen's George and Steven
Owen is getting attached to his George. At first it was just an interesting novelty that he would occasionally remember when he happened across in his eternal quest to put the whole world in his mouth. Then he started to hold him more often, because it was the best way to get James' George away from him, and he was now quick enough to grab James' George when James wasn't looking. Then he started taking George to bed with him. Then he started insisting that George come with him when we got him up in the morning.
Today we heard that familiar sound of "No, no, Owen...that's MINE!" But it wasn't George that Owen was running off with...it was Steven Bear. James handled it pretty well. He offered Owen all sorts of objects for exchange, but Owen wanted to hold his George and James' Steven. J ran up the stairs, rummaged around, and then came down with the back-up Steven Bear. (If you're new to this blog, this isn't going to make any sense without some context, by the way.) She offered New Steven to Owen. He turned around to look at me with a "Ta-Da" expression on his face.
"Are you just like your big brother now?"
He grinned and nodded.
III. Trumpetsicles
We all continue to tolerate the practicing arrangement in our own way. I usually play for about an hour in the morning, and then do a shorter second session before dinner. This is enough to stay in shape, keep ahead of whatever music I'll be playing in the upcoming week, and keep working on some ongoing projects as well. J and the kids usually retreat to the furthest possible corner of the house, or they play VERY NOISY GAMES until someone falls over and begins to cry. (Usually not J.) This has worked okay through the mild winter, but now that it's properly February cold outside, it's getting harder for me to work up the willpower to go down to the basement every day. I have a little space heater that I can turn on, but even with the space heater cranked I usually can't feel my fingers or toes by the time I've been down there for an hour. There's also an additional complication of trying to switch instruments in my practicing. If I've warmed up on my C trumpet and then try to pick up the rotary to work on something, it will take at least a minute or two for the valves to thaw out to the point where they can go up and down again. Or if I start playing a passage on a horn that isn't in a two foot radius of the heater, I can count on the first phrase being about 25 cents flatter (because of the cold) than the second, once my blowing has warmed the instrument up. I haven't found any icicles hanging off my water keys yet, but I don't think we're too far from that point.
IV. Fine Wine
Part of me hoped that when I bought a bottle of really nice wine...a bottle of wine that cost way, way more than any bottle of wine I'd ever purchased, that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Or, if I could tell the difference, that I wouldn't care enough to venture out of our usual price point with any regularity.
This is the trouble with trying nice things. You find that you like them.
V. Valentine's Dinner
Mostly at Pax's prodding and planning, we are cooking Valentine's Dinner for our wives tonight. I just heard a small wail from upstairs, which means that it's time for me to go get little boys up and prepare them for the trip over to Hilltop. My suggestion is that the wives should record the experience and post it for posterity. Also, in case of food poisoning, is there anyone who would be able to watch James, Owen, Abby, and Jack tonight? But I'm sure we'll be fine...
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