Friday, November 20, 2015


"Previous studies often find the highest exposure levels among the trumpet players. It is not unusual to find an equivalent continuous sound level (LAeq) of 93-98 dB for several rehearsal hours (McBride et al., 1992)"--Sound Exposure of Symphony Orchestra Musicians, Annals of Occupational Hygiene

"Honey, I'm going to be down in the basement for a bit."
"Okay, are you going to run the industrial power mower?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna try to get some mowing in before the kids go down for naps."
"How long do you think you're going to be?"
"Uh...I don't know. Maybe 45 minutes?"
"They might not make it that long."
"Okay, well just shout down the stairs when they need to go to sleep."
"Can you do any of your mowing with the engine covered or anything?"
" know it isn't really the same to mow with the engine covered."
"I know, I'm just wondering if there was anything you could save for the end. You know, so you could mow longer."
"No, I really need to to mow at full volume for a bit today."

"So, could you tell a difference?"
"Umm...on which bit?"
"Right at the end there, when I was kind going in shorter bursts with the jackhammer? You know, I was going BRRRRRT-BRT! BRRRRT-BRT!"
"You were doing something different than you usually do?"
"Yeah, I was trying out this new titanium coated bit. It definitely feels different. Did it sound any different to you?"
"Mmm...I could listen for it again. But it mostly just sounded like your regular jackhammering."
"Aw, nuts. I was hoping it SOUND different. You know, obviously different."
"Maybe it did and I just wasn't paying very close attention."
"You know, they're selling the titanium coated models now with a diamond tip. I think that might be worth trying."
"That sounds kind of expensive."
"Yeah, it probably wouldn't be cheap. But I already know exactly what size to order, since I like the size I currently have."
"What do you think that would do for the sound?"
"It would make the jackhammer even louder. Maybe a bit brighter too."

"Okay, once we get home we need to clean up the kitchen, and we should make sure the table is wiped off before we go to bed tonight...and...oh, you probably need to run your outboard motor in the basement for a bit, don't you."
"Well, I'd rather watch the game, but..."
"Do you think maybe you could take a night off?"
"I don't know."
"Really, you'll have plenty of time to make it up later in the week, won't you?"
"I just don't think I'd be able to relax and enjoy the evening if I knew that I hadn't cranked up the outboard motor in the basement for at least, I don't know, a half-hour or so. It'll be a light session though, I'll go as quick as I can."
"I don't know about the kids, honey. They're kind of squirrely."
"Just let the kids do what they want for a half-hour and I'll put them to bed once I'm done with the outboard motor. And then I'll help with the kitchen, okay?"

"Ah yes, Smith. Your reservation is right here. Non-smoking king?"
"Yes, that should be fine."
"We're going to have you in Room 304. Enjoy your stay!"
"Thanks very much. Hey, quick question for you..."
"Yes, sir?"
"I have a garbage truck that I'm going to need to drive around and operate for a bit...probably raise and lower the pressure lifter and run the compacter for about 45 minutes or so. Is there a good spot in the hotel for me to do that?"
"Hmmm...there are lots of other guests this weekend, sir."
"You don't have, maybe, an empty conference room or something? Or, if there's an empty room nearby where I am, I could make sure I'm pointing the truck in that direction?"
"Is it really necessary for you to operate a garbage truck in your hotel room, sir? While you're on vacation?"
"You don't understand...I need to do it every day. My wife can vouch for me on this."
"He definitely does it every day."
"It's kind of like being in perpetual Olympic-style training."
"Except louder."

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