Content Warning: The following passage contains explicit language. It is a reimagining of a beloved literary character who reminds us all of Felix...along with another literary character who reminds us all of Felix.
"Ow!" said Tigger.
He sat down and put his paw in his mouth.
"What's the matter?" asked Pooh.
"Hot!" mumbled Tigger.
"Your friend," said Eeyore, "appears to have bitten on a bee."
Pooh's friend stopped shaking his head to get the prickles out, and explained that Tiggers didn't like thistles.
"They why bend a perfectly good one?" asked Eeyore.
"But you said," began Pooh--"you said that Tiggers like everything except honey and haycorns."
"And thistles," said Tigger, who was now running round in circles with his tongue hanging out.
Pooh looked at him sadly.
"What are we going to do?" he asked Piglet.
Piglet knew the answer to that, and he said at once that they must go and see Christopher Robin.
"You'll find him with Kanga," said Eeyore.
Tigger had been bouncing in front of them all this time, turning round every now and then to ask, "Is this the way?--and now at last they came in sight of Kanga's house, and there at last was Christopher Robin.
He was slumped in a low chair, sipping from a plastic cup that he he balanced precariously on two fingers. His lank, blonde hair hung limp, and he sprawled back with his belly out upon seeing the approach of Pooh and his friends.
"I've been finding things in the Forest," said Tigger importantly. "I've found a pooh and a piglet and an eeyore, but I can't find any breakfast."
Christopher Robin rolled his eyes and took a long sip of whatever he was drinking from the plastic cup.
"Well that's no surprise. I'd only ask you for help finding something if I wanted it to stay hidden. Christ on a bike, you're all up early."
He gave a leering look at Pooh. "I thought I left you stuck in a hole somewhere."
"But Christopher Robin, you pulled me out!"
"Well, see if you can get stuck again. And make sure that Rabbit's trapped inside when you do."
Piglet tried to explain what had been happening with the search for Tigger's breakfast.
"Don't you know what Tiggers like?" asked Pooh.
"I expect that this one likes the little baggies of cocaine he thinks he's buying on the sly from Owl's cousin. Tell him that if he does another line of that it'll take the edge off of his appetite, but if he does it around me I'm going to turn him into a fucking tiger-skin rug."
Christopher Robin belched and conjured up a sucker apparently from nowhere that he put in his mouth, then began inspecting his nails.
"I know what I like," said Tigger. "Everything there is in the world except honey and haycorns and--what were those hot things called?"
"Yes, and those."
"Jesus," murmured Christopher Robin, and tucked the sucker behind one ear. Without turning around he raised his voice.
"Kanga! Kanga, you useless bloody Aussie, get out here and give Tigger some breakfast."
So Kanga and Roo came out, and when Roo had said "Hallo, Pooh" and "Hallo, Piglet" once, and "Hallo, Tigger" twice, because he had never said it before and it sounded funny, they told Kanga what they wanted, and Kanga said very kindly, "Well, look in my cupboard Tigger dear, and see what you'd like." Because she knew at once that, however big Tigger seemed to be, he wanted as much kindness as Roo.
"I can tell you that all the biscuits, crips, and whiskey is gone from that cupboard," said Christopher Robin, "There's just a bunch of useless shit like flour and salt."
"Shall I look, too?" said Pooh, who was beginning to feel a little eleven o'clockish.
"The last thing you need is another meal." said Christopher Robin pointedly to Pooh Bear. "Honestly, when was the last time that you could actually fit into a pair of trousers?" That seemed to remind him of something, and Christopher Robin unbuttoned the top of his own. "Ah, that's better."
Pooh found a small tin of condensed milk, and something seemed to tell him that Tiggers didn't like this, so he took it into a corner by itself, and went with it to see that nobody interrupted it.
But the more Tigger put his nose into this and his paw into that, the more he found things which Tiggers didn't like. And when he had found everything in the cupboard, and couldn't eat any of it, he said to Kanga, "What happens now?"
But Kanga and Christopher Robin were all standing around Roo, watching him have his Extract of Malt. And Roo was saying, "Must I?" and Kanga was saying "Now, Roo dear, you remember what you promised."
"What is it?" whispered Tigger to Piglet.
"His Strengthening Medicine," said Piglet. "He hates it. Christopher Robin, can you make Roo take it?"
Christopher Robin looked thoughtful for a moment, glanced at Piglet, and farted.
"Oh, Christopher Robin! Christopher Robin, what did you EAT?" cried Piglet.
Christopher Robin grinned evilly. "Bacon sandwich."
Tigger, trying to escape the smell, but his noise in the Extract of Malt. He sniffed, tasted, and jumped back in surprise.
Kanga said "Oh!" and then clutched at the spoon again just as it was disappearing, and pulled it safely back out of Tigger's mouth. But the Extract of Malt had gone.
"Tigger dear!" said Kanga.
"He's taken my medicine, he's taken my medicine, he's taken my medicine!" sang Roo happily, thinking it was a tremendous joke.
"What you lot need," said Christopher Robin, shuffling out, "Is some Brain Strengthening medicine."
Then Tigger looked up at the ceiling, and closed his eyes, and his tongue went round and round his chops, in case he had left any outside, and a peaceful smile came over his face as he said, "So that's what Tiggers like!"